
Preparing Your Pet for Surgery

Here’s How to Prepare Your Pet for Surgery and Pet Dental Procedures

“Thank you so much for your tremendous care and concern for Eeyore. Without all your help, I’m sure we would have lost him
last week. We truly appreciate all of the love and care you have always given our animals.” – Eeyore & Family

Prepare Your Pet for Anesthesia

  • Please do not allow your pet to eat after 10:00pm the night prior to surgery.
  • Water should remain available at all times.
  • If your pet is on medication, please give as prescribed unless instructed otherwise.

Surgery Day

  • Surgery patients are to be admitted at their scheduled appointment time.
  • Please allow 5-10 minutes to complete a short surgical release form the day of surgery.
  • Please leave a number at which you can be reached should any questions or concerns regarding your pet’s surgery arise.  We will also notify you when your pet’s surgery is complete.
  • To ensure the best care for your pet, please inform the staff of any medications your pet is currently taking, previous anesthetic problem, drug allergies, or any previously diagnosed medical condition (heart, liver, kidney, etc.).

Surgery/Dental Discharge & Post-Operative Care

  • A member of our team will call when surgery is complete to discuss discharge instructions and pick-up time.
  • Please plan on picking up your pet during your scheduled discharge appointment time unless instructed otherwise by our staff.
  • Please allow 5-10 minutes when picking up your pet.
  • Any necessary go-home meds and prescriptions, as well as instructions for at-home care, will be provided at time of discharge.
  • We will follow up by phone in a day or two after your pet’s surgery to ensure recovery is proceeding satisfactorily.

Your pet’s welfare and your peace of mind are important to us. Never hesitate to ask any questions that you may have either before or after your pet’s surgery.